Sunday, November 29, 2009

Ride to Fly update - 30 November 2009

Monday night, 30th November 2009 - In Christchurch
A very long drive and again enjoying great hospitality for the night.
Here are the photos we lost last night.

Left to Right:
Emma McGeorge (MAF Auckland office), Frank and Ruth Carter, Ruth and Jim Mc Bride,
Peter Carter, Noel Stevens, Mark Fox (CEO MAF), Geoff Given

Alongside the Signposts, there is a rock with inscriptions as follows:

Monday 30th November 2009

This morning we left Invercargill. The weather is better, however still pretty cold with a high of 12 degrees. We heard there may be snow on the Canterbury foothills! We are heading for Christchurch where we will stay for the night and hopefully update the blog with some more photos. We hear there is better weather up North so that is where we are heading!

At this stage, we plan to be back in Tauranga late Wednesday afternoon. Once we are up and running there we will send an email out to everyone and update you all on everything to date.

A huge thanks again to everyone for their generosity, hospitality and support since we embarked on our journey on the 10th of November, which now seems like a lifetime ago!

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