Thursday, November 19, 2009

RIDE TO FLY - 19 November 2009

Well, we left Tauranga on Tuesday heading for Taupo. We had a great ride - the bike performed superbly and the weather was fantastic. The meeting in Taupo went really well and it was great to see and meet those that came out to hear our story.

Wednesday the 18th saw us wake up to bad weather. As Frank had travelled the Taupo to Napier road many, many times over the years he decided to ride the whole leg himself. The rain fell from the heavens and continued to do so the whole way. The bike performed well again which was a blessing and apart from being soaked to the skin, the team arrived in Napier in one piece. Needless to say, we spent the first couple of hours at the local laundromat trying to dry out Franks riding gear! It was great to see old friends and catch up and again, the meeting was a success. A good night's sleep was needed by all!

Thursday the 20th found us on the road again, this time heading for Palmerston North. Radio Rhema had made contact with us and we stopped for a while so Frank could do a live interview. Unfortunately we were unable to hear this first-hand, but we have heard through family that the interview was great and Radio Rhema are really enthusiastic about our journey and what we are accomplishing.

At this point, we would like to extend a huge 'thank you' to the team at Radio Rhema and Shine TV for all their support, interest and what they are doing for us.

The weather was great again today and the bike continued to perform without a hitch - the only repairs required today were to the Motorhome with a flat tyre! Amazing how the new technology is struggling to keep up with the old!

We received a fantastic reception in Palmerston North and we would like to thank Turnbull Furnishings for the great opportunity to 'meet' another DOT and their generous contribution.

The meeting tonight was great, again catching up with old friends and the arrangements superb! Heading for Wellington tomorrow and looks like good weather again - Praise the Lord!

We have had problems with internet connections so will update again shortly with photos. Thanks to you all for your interest and support.

1 comment:

  1. Today you will have completed the North Island half successfully. Have a good time in Wellington, my 'home town' for two years!
    Continuing to follow with extreme interest and with prayer for success and safety.
    Much love. John
