Saturday, November 28, 2009

Ride to Fly - update 29 November 2009

We made it! On Friday 27th November 2009, just after 11.00 am, we arrived in style at the Bluff signpost.

We were escorted by 3 or 4 other motorbikes from Invercargill and on arrival, there were a number of other bikes already there - albeit not to greet us particularly. There are an estimated 7000 bikes in the area this weekend coming and going, so it is not surprising that some were at Bluff.

By the time we had left Invercargill, we were in driving rain and wind coming off the Antarctic apparently. However, we managed to stand upright long enough to take a group photo as follows. (Unfortunately at the time of writing this blog we lost our internet connection so were not able to upload the group photo. We will endeavour to do this shortly.)

Even admist the terrible weather, we were interviewed by both Southern Cue TV and Shine TV, both of which were great interviews - thanks again to Southern Cue TV and Shine TV for their interest and support.

The Burt Munro Challenge was great, including the beach racing! We have had the DOT on display throughout the weekend at the Challenge and there has been tremendous interest. We have also managed to continue to distribute our flyers and have continued on with the donation buckets!

Andrew Stroud spent the day on Friday at the E Hayes shop signing autographs and he asked Frank to join him and they had a great day together.

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