Thursday, October 8, 2009

RIDE TO FLY - Meet our Riders

Frank Carter and Peter Carter

Franks now lives in Tauranga and is busy completing preparations for the Ride to Fly. Peter is located in Auckland and was involved in set-making for the movie, "The World's Fastest Indian". He is taking time off work to take part in this Ride.

Geoff Given and Noel Stevens

It is interesting to know that Geoff and Noel used to race DOT's together many years ago in Auckland. Geoff (who spent some years in Papua New Guinea), is coming from Brisbane for the event. Noel comes from Tauranga where he is a member of the Classic Motor Cycle Club.

These four make up the team who will be riding the "DOT".

On a recent visit to Auckland, we made approaches to TVNZ, TV3 and NewztalkZB. We are waiting on their replies. Still no word from Shine TV yet, as to when the already filmed interview will be shown.

Check out the Movie Clip below, this is now being shown on Shine TV as an advertisement for MAFNZ.

We want to acknowledge and thank Richard Clarke for the photo of the assembled bike before restoration. It was Richard who put the bike together after its journey back to NZ and who graciously agreed to the trade so that we could once again own the DOT. We apologise for not having a caption on the photo crediting him for this.

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