Sunday, August 23, 2009

RIDE TO FLY update 24th August 2009

Did you know???
"Every three minutes a MAF plane is taking off or landing on a mission of mercy somewhere in the world.
Every day, around 300 MAF flights take people and vital supplies into remote communities.
Every year our flights save God's workers a huge amount of time. 300 years of travel time is saved every year because missionaries, evangelists, doctors, nurses, emergency staff and critically ill people can travel by air.
MAF flies to more destinations than any airline: over 2,500 places in 30 countries across the developing world. Our people and planes enable over 1,000 organisations to do God's vital work in the world's most remote places."

(Copied from one of MAF's recent brochures)

Can RIDE TO FLY event raise enough money to purchase another much needed aircraft for the work in Papua New Guinea?

1 comment:

  1. Looking forward to an update with ride plans for Chch. I am hoping my hubby will be keen to ride one of his bikes. We support two MAF families. Good on you
