Sunday, August 23, 2009

RIDE TO FLY update 24th August 2009

Did you know???
"Every three minutes a MAF plane is taking off or landing on a mission of mercy somewhere in the world.
Every day, around 300 MAF flights take people and vital supplies into remote communities.
Every year our flights save God's workers a huge amount of time. 300 years of travel time is saved every year because missionaries, evangelists, doctors, nurses, emergency staff and critically ill people can travel by air.
MAF flies to more destinations than any airline: over 2,500 places in 30 countries across the developing world. Our people and planes enable over 1,000 organisations to do God's vital work in the world's most remote places."

(Copied from one of MAF's recent brochures)

Can RIDE TO FLY event raise enough money to purchase another much needed aircraft for the work in Papua New Guinea?

Sunday, August 16, 2009

RIDE TO FLY update 17th August 2009

You can check out the route that the ride will follow and the timing of the stages by going to MAFNZ's webpage.
Here are a couple of photos of MAF aircraft. The yellow Cessna was taken in PNG in the 1960's and the GA8 Airvan is a new aircraft in Melbourne before delivery to MAF.

Saturday, August 15, 2009

Update 16th August 2009

Hi again

It's now just under 3 months until Departure on 12th November from Cape Reinga. Plans are proceeding nicely and our new bike-trailer is now painted and heads off for signage tomorrow, Monday 17th. On Wednesday we head up to Auckland for interviews with Shine TV, Radio Rhema and Challenge Weekly.

The DOT will accompany us in it's trailer home, so it will be available for any "filming".

TRAILER : For photo, watch this space

Still working on details of "happenings" for each of our stage stopping points, and these will be forthcoming as they are finalised. Numbers of bikers are making contact and advising their interest in joining the ride at different points.

Spread the word
Spring is near!
Stay Safe

Tuesday, August 4, 2009

RIDE TO FLY update 5th August 2009

Greetings, Hey, Hi, Hello, Mambo!

You have probably guessed we are new oldies (but goodies), when it comes to 'blogging'.

We'll want to keep updating with comments, hopefully each week. There has been a request for more information on the restoration of the DOT so here are a few pictures showing some of that process.

It's a bit like letting God come into our lives and "all things change and become new" (2 Corinthians 5:17)

With the 2,000-plus kilometres to cover, I decided it was necessary to restore spare engines and
gearboxes (thanks to Noel Stephens for his help with Villiers parts). We now have 2 complete engines with gearbox, 1 complete except for primary drive case and 1 separate gearbox. Just a thought…. is there anyone out there with parts for a 1955 Mark 8E 197cc Villiers Primary Chain case in good condition?

Preparations are coming along steadily as we plan for the launch from the Cape on November 13th. Don't forget to check out the MAF website We will advise in the near future what the fund raising PROJECT for MAFNZ will be.

After seeing the sale of an old Gentle Annie washing machine selling on Trademe, for $5,500, I thought - "What a good idea for fund raising". It could be a good deal to auction of "stuff" as a charity auction, with the proceeds going to MAFNZ. Also an opportunity to get exposure for the Ride to Fly Event.

I'm planning to set up a Trademe auction for one of the completely re-built engines, with the auction ending on the Saturday 28th November, in Invercargill.

Here is a great opportunity for you too, to raise funds for MAFNZ, by auctioning off "stuff" you might have and at the same time promoting the Ride to Fly Event. Let's know if you would be prepared to set up a CHARITY auction something like this.

See Bike Rider magazine - August issue. Pages 23, 108-109

Suggestions and comments re this BLOG are welcome.