Thursday, November 11, 2010

REMEMBERING - 12 months ago

On 11th November, 12 months ago, we were just commencing the Ride to Fly Journey and departed Cape Reinga that day - 11 November 2009.

How quickly time goes by.

We had been asked to participate in the MAF Queensland Discovery Day event which was to take place on 11 September 2010. With this in mind, we planned a visit to Cairns and Brisbane in June this year, to catch a bit of sun and to connect with MAF Head Office. While in Cairns, we drove up to see the Mareeba airport where MAF operations centre is located. Unfortunately, while we were in Cairns, there was a death in our family in NZ and it required that we return home urgently. Therefore, we were unable to continue with our visit to Brisbane, which included meeting up with MAF Queensland representatives to discuss our involvement in this event.

In July/August we were advised by Queensland MAF that, owing to circumstances, they were not able to proceed with their Ride2Fly 2010 as originally planned, but were downsizing the event for this year and hence our attendance was not required.

You can check the website - see Ride2Fly for photos of their September event.

Also see for the latest news and final update on the NZ 2009 Ride to Fly

Donations continued to come in some 6 - 8 weeks after the NZ event finished and in total reached just over the NZD52,000.00.

We continue to thank God for all the happenings of the DOT and the New Guinea connections through the Ride to Fly event. We are still amazed at the way He continues to bring together new contacts.

DOT is still looking good - "all dressed up and nowhere to go".
Any suggestions?

10% of sales go towards community projects benefitting the coffee growers in PNG.
New distributors for this coffee with contact details as below:

Marketplacers International Limited
Phone (09) 9 526 6363
Email: or order on line
Attn: Anne Sheddan

PS - Good Keen Motorcyclists - Check out
Deus Ex Machina, Custom motorcycles, coffee, cafe, clothes
Shed 5, Upper Deck, 90 Wellesley St, Auckland
Good food and atmosphere!

God Bless you all. Frank