Wednesday, June 24, 2009



Frank Carter writes:

In 1959, while living in Napier, I purchased a DOT motorcycle. This was a 1955 "Scrambler" model and powered with a 197cc Villiers engine and 4-speed gearbox.
Once in my possession, the bike was fully restored, crated up and early in 1961, shipped to Papua New Guinea where my wife and I, with our 18 month old daughter, were heading for missionary service.
The DOT was ideal for the conditions to be encountered in the remote Western Highlands District of PNG and was our only form of "road" transport for approximately 7-1/2 years. On our return to New Zealand, the faithful DOT was left in PNG with the mission.
In 2004, now retired and residing in Auckland, I had the desire to find another motorcycle - must be a 1955 DOT, of course.
Believe it or not, I eventually found one in Titirangi, Auckland. This was actually the same DOT we had left in PNG some 35 years before. (See the story – "The End of the Road". A digital copy is available on request. Email to : I am convinced that God was part of this whole "happening".

Now the bike is restored and looking as new. If God was in it – "What Now"…
The decision has been made to attempt to ride our bike from Cape Reinga

to Bluff in November 2009, as a fund-raising venture to benefit Mission Aviation Fellowship NZ.

What is MAFNZ?

Every three minutes, an MAF plane is taking off or landing somewhere in the world. These flights enable crucial work by many development and aid agencies, missions, local churches and other national groups. Medical care, adequate food, clean water and Christian hope are reaching countless thousands of men, women and children.
Over 130 aircraft operate in more than 30 countries.
MAF enables the work of over 1,000 missions in their outreach to isolated communities in developing nations.
MAF flies to more destinations than any airline – over 2,500 worldwide.
More than 1,000 professional staff serve with MAF to enable work in the developing world
On a typical day's flying, MAF aircraft make 300 flights, taking people and vital supplies into remote communities.

Without MAF's supporters, many organisations could not do God's work in remote and inhospitable places. Your gifts will help mission organisations and relief & development agencies to provide medical care, adequate food, clean water and Christian hope. Medair, TEAR Fund, World Vision, UNICEF, Samaritan's Purse, World Relief, UN WFP, have all acknowledged the help MAF provides.

For more information on MAFNZ, go to